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List of Deceased Members of the 206
(With dates of death and obituaries where available)

Raymond Leonard Abrams (May 12, 2022) Obituary
Bruce William Albert (October 8, 2015) Obituary
Allan Altman (December 31, 2021) Obituary
Steven A. Arbittier (May 14, 2011) Obituary
Arcadius Ralph Aspenleider (April 15, 2024) Obituary
Franklin B. Austin, Jr.(July 18, 2011) Obituary
Edward Bankowski, Jr. (February 22, 1984) Obituary
Sam Baral (May 7, 2018) Obituary
Burton Lee Belsky (August 9, 1988) Obituary
Andrew Lee Bender (September 5, 2013) Obituary
Robert Blatt (October 31, 2022)Obituary
Marshall C. Bobrin (March 11, 2005) Obituary
Ronald S. Bratspis (December 16, 2015) Obituary
Mark Bricklin (September 3, 2021) Obituary
Edward Brodsky (February 18, 1997) Obituary
Paul Candia (October 16, 2014) Obituary
Eugene Martin Cheskis (January 6, 1974) Obituary
Mario L. Clement, Jr. (June 23, 2023) Obituary
Richard Coates (January 30, 2021)
Bernard Leon Cohen (September, 1979)
Ronald S. Cohen (June 15, 2010) Obituary
Daniel Jay Davis (November 17, 2021) Obituary
Carl D'Errico (January 3, 2023) Obituary
Michael Deitsch (April 14, 1997)
Anthony J. Digioia (September 14, 2023)Obituary
Steven Dittmann (May 14, 1994)Gravestone
Thomas G. Dulin (September 28, 2014) Obituary
William G. Ellison (October 10, 2003)
William Evans (December 29, 2021) Obituary
Irving Fisher (November 9, 2017) Obituary
David L. Fishman (February 14, 2004)
Ross Howard Fishman (June 1984) Obituary
Ivan Barry Friedman (October 31, 2021) Obituary
Leonard Fronton (August 9, 2012) Obituary
Larry Fryer (February 11, 2022) Obituary
Richard Gayer (June, 2023)
John A. Gilmore (October 1, 2019) Obituary
Martin Ebey Glaymen
William Goldberg (January 16, 2021) Obituary
David Grabel (September 22, 2020) Obituary
David Graham (June 1977) Obituary
Phil Greenspun (September 26, 2019) Obituary
Phillip Gross (June 20, 2005)
Herschel I. Grossman (October 9, 2004) Obituary
Robert M. Hendrickson (March 11, 2016) Obituary
David R. Huffnagle [reported deceased 2018]
Harold Stanley Jackson (June 27, 2023) Obituary
Howard Jaffe (August 18, 2017)
Phil E. Jaslow (May 9, 2001) Obituary
David C. Jones (November 30, 1983) Obituary
Brad Joseph Juric (December 24, 1995) Obituary
Jay Kahn (November 3, 1996)
Dennis E. Kapustin (July 15, 2022) Obituary
James H. Kelch, Jr. (November 25, 2023) Obituary
Allen H. Kelley (May 1, 2007) Obituary
Leonard Konefsky (September 6, 2023)
Jerome Kosoy (August 1, 2022) Obituary
Marvin H. Kromash (February 5, 2023) Obituary
Jonathan J. Kurland (September 21, 2021) Obituary
John V. Leach (May 10, 1980) Obituary
Martin P. Leshner (September 8, 2023) Obituary
Harvey A. Levin (February 15, 2013)
Alan M. Levit (February 24, 2021)
Aaron Libson (March 25, 2024) Obituary
Saul Lipkin (December 11, 2013) Obituary
Gerald Lipson (April 21, 1972) Obituary
Charles Lipton (November 22, 2004)
Patrick H. McCrystal (January 29, 2018) Obituary
Charles S. Naden (October 1, 2022) Obituary
Mark Nameroff (August 3, 2010)
James David Naughten (September 3, 2004)
Harry Obedin (June 11, 2020) Obituary
Malcolm K. Orloff (May 24, 2014) Obituary
Warren L. Pastor (December 1980)
Anthony V. Pettine, III (January 6, 1994) Obituary
Richard P. Pisut (January 7, 2020) Obituary
Michael D. Richter (October 21, 2013) Obituary
Joseph Ashley Roach (August 20, 2024)
Russell Rodgers (August 5, 2007) Obituary
Paul E. Rosenberg (July 23, 1995) Obituary
Cary V. Rowan (July 24, 2015) Obituary
Barry M. Sax (June 28, 2014) Obituary
Rodney William Schmidt (January 21, 2022) Obituary
Jon C. Schwartz (Dec 1995)
Ronald Segal (February 11, 2013) Obituary
Alan Silberstein (February 18, 2023) Obituary
Frank H. Sivitz (April 18, 1980) Obituary
Larry H. Slass (February 17, 2015) Obituary
Herbert S. Smith (March 5, 1977)
Art M. Smuckler (April, 1977)
Lemuel Spence [reported deceased 2018]
David L. Spencer (January 8, 1997) Obituary
Jonathan R. Steinberg (December 21, 2015) Obituary
Albert W. Stott (July 22, 2020) Obituary
Melvyn J. Suplee (December 29, 2003)
Larry F. (Firedome) Udell
Andrus Viilu (February 7, 2019) Obituary
Gary M. Waldo (February 23, 2016) Obituary
Philip T. Weinberg (March 16, 2012) Obituary
Richard N. Wells (December 17, 2023) Obituary
Robert M. Weiss
Alan Willig (September 26, 2015) Obituary+Obituary2
Myron Zison (May 13, 2008) Obituary

(Total: 104 out of 268)

(This page updated August 28, 2024)